
CC BY-SA 3.0 (DE): M 93 (Wiki­me­dia Com­mons)

In cen­tral Europe there is much stan­dard­iza­tion, the blink­er has to be orange. And the year­ly ser­vice checks every­thing (leak­age, breaks, height of the light, feath­ers, bat­tery, oil, …)

CC-BY-SA 4.0JD (

How­ev­er this pho­to is from Ger­many, so it has Europan car-sign. In the year­ly ser­vice they make a test-dri­ve and check if they feel safe dri­ving, but not standardization.

CC BY 3.0:

This pic­ture is how­ev­er from Rus­sia.
Old brick, stone, con­crete Hous­es, high heat capac­i­ty, new­er hous­es have to have good heat iso­la­tion by law. No tem­per­a­ture-change dur­ing day. Nar­row streets

CC0 Pub­lic Domain

Thin wood­en walls, no heat capac­i­ty, big day-night-tem­per­a­ture-dif­fer­ence.
Wide streets

I rec­om­mend read­ing UShomes in Ger­many

CC-BY: Umber­to Brayj

sim­i­lar to hol­land-bike: heavy, long durable, steel; skirt guard, walk-though frame, front and back light and two breaks, often a quick lock mount­ed to the bike.

More infos about US-bikes vs Nether­lands-bike

CC-BY: Glo­ry Cycles

light­weight speedy bike often with just a sin­gle break, no lights at front or back
Com­par­i­son cen­tral Europe vs USA